How To Do Companion Planting In Your Organic Garden
Thanks to companion planting, organic gardens have flourished for most small scale farmers without the need of artificial fertilizers or pesticides.
Companion planting is planting a garden where all the plants mutually benefit each other. While some plants act as natural pollinators, others portray the characteristics of natural pesticides.
Here are some companion plants that will work wonders for your organic garden.
- For pollinators, you should plant borage which is a great addition to any garden since it’s bound to increase the productivity of your crops with the pollination properties.
- In order to attract garden predators such as predatory wasps and ladybugs, you should plant alfafa which is a wildflower plant. This will help you rid your garden of aphids and attract tomato hornworms.
- To repel pests in your garden, consider planting marigolds.
- Plant nightshades that will help protect all other plants in your garden from extreme exposure to the sun.
- If you want to improve your yield, planting beans will definitely do the trick.